A new beginning…

After failing more times than I care to admit and feeling like a complete failure I went and saw my GP. We did serveral blood tests and checks and he sent me onto a dietician and fitness consultant.

Being skeptical as the last dietician I saw 4 years ago didn’t really assist with anything let alone helping someone with hormone and weight issues. 

I went and I was pleasantly surprised. 


Quite scary when they first discuss the stuff you can’t have but once you get into the base of the plan it is surprisingly easy to follow and tailored for someone like me with insulin resistance and PCOS. 

They game me a list of proteins to eat and their raw weights of what I am meant to have, along with salad and vegetable options and how much of each of those. 

No salt, no cheese, no processed sauces, no rice, no pasta, no potato and no dessert! 


Now that I am back to square one with exercise they told me it was okay to walk until I build back up to it. I cannot lie, in the last week I have probably worked out twice ! A little dispointing but I am keen to increase it. They did give me a work out plan and I am keen to start it – although the cardio part has been slightly modified. 


Not as bad as I thought! I am pretty happy with it at the moment, I have my next appointment tomorrow and am keen to check in. 

The cravings are still there and I would probably kill someone for a twix – but it’s improving and getting easier everyday!

Thank god for herbal tea!! 

That’s all for now! 


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